About Karen
Producer, Publisher and Advocate Karen Shayne spent most of her career in healthcare, but after a diagnosis of cancer, she reinvented herself and moved to Nashville, Tennessee, to begin production creating award-winning healthcare segments for Nashville-based CBS and NBC. Karen has also been featured in HuffPost, AOL/Yahoo, People Magazine, Nashville Business Journal, Hope For Women Magazine The Doctors Channel, Healthline, and ABC Chicago. She also served as host of a radio show on Salem Media Network for Healthspring.
In 2012, Karen's passion for advocacy created t a 501c3 non-profit with the purpose of creating a network where women affected by cancer can find their voice, improve their quality of life, and embrace their journey. That mission led has now led me to find incredible and inspiring stories that embrace the heart of humanity. Now she travels around the world to share those stories that inspire and motivate.
Today, Karen focuses on publishing and production through her passion project Unconditionally Her. Unconditionally Her is a women-focused, positive lifestyle blog providing inspiration for those women desiring an extraordinary and purposeful lif.
Karen has been honored by the Ovarcome Foundation for national awareness of cancer issues among women. In 2014, Karen was honored in Washington DC by American Association of Cancer Research and featured in National Cancer Research Progress Report. In 2012, she served as American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network – Tennessee State Lead Representative Congressional District along with serving as Tennessee Cancer Coalition Survivorship Committee Chairperson. Karen was named 2011’s Health Care Hero by the Nashville Business Journal. She is also a member of the class 2011 of Leadership Middle Tennessee. Karen received the International Best of the Best Award by the Assisted Living Federation of America for her "On Modern Age" television show. Karen was the 2008 Nashville Business Journal Williamson County Impact Award winner; a 2009 Lifetime Television and L'Oreal Cosmetics "Women of Worth" nominee, and the recipient of the 2003 Small Business Council of America's "Humanitarian of the Year" Award. In 2001, Georgia State Senate honored her with her own Resolution for her efforts with cancer advocacy and research.